Monday 14 November 2011

Why You Need to Consider Shower Filters

!±8± Why You Need to Consider Shower Filters

Shower filters are just as important as filters for drinking and cooking water. Toxins enter and leave our bodies through our skin just as easily as they enter through drinking water. As a matter of fact, since your skin is your body's largest organ, shower water filters might be more important than a filter on your kitchen or bathroom faucets.

In case you haven't been convinced about the importance of filtering your water in the first place, let's talk a little about the problems with our municipal water systems.

Studies have been done recently that have shown there are potentially very grave health problems with our drinking water. One research group did a study of 29 U. S. cities and found that the water systems of all 29 had at least one pesticide in them. Many had two or more, and one city even had three!

Not only that, but other impurities, pollutants, and toxins can be routinely found in our water supplies.

It's not uncommon to find trace amounts of prescription drugs, lead, and other carcinogens in what we drink. Even the chlorine used to kill microorganisms, bacteria, and viruses is suspect.

Chlorine is itself a toxin! Some scientists think the growing rate of cancer in developed nations might be linked to a growing consumption of chlorine. Chlorine can sometimes combine with certain organic material to form highly carcinogenic compounds.

Unfortunately, the chlorine put in your water is never taken out before it reaches you! There's a reason for that. It's because we don't want the water to become re-infected on it's way from the treatment plant to your tap (which can sometimes take up to a few weeks!). And admittedly, we don't have outbreaks of cholera and other waterborne diseases like we had a hundred or so years ago.

A big part of the problem in general is our technology we use to treat water is in many cases a hundred or so years old, yet most of the chemicals routinely found in our water supplies were created only in the past few decades. We live in a world made possible by over 80,000 synthetic chemicals.

Bottled water is no help, either--despite the seductive labels. Most bottled water comes straight out of a tap.

So, many people have come to the conclusion that filtering what they drink and cook in is a necessity as far as their health is concerned. But the idea of shower filters is just now catching on.

When we bathe our pores open up. Just as they do when we sweat. This is partially to let toxins out of the body. (You can expel almost as many toxins sweating as you do urinating.)

But the problem is all that stuff in your bathing water, the chlorine, the pesticides, the prescription drugs, the organic toxins can seep through your skin into your body.

If better health is not going to convince you then how about better looks?

That's right! You haven't lived until you've washed your hair in properly filtered water. And that feeling of cleanliness you get after a shower--shower filters will make you feel ten times as clean!

Why You Need to Consider Shower Filters

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